@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
'use strict'
// Template version: 1.2.6
// see http://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack for documentation.
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
dev: {
// Paths
assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
assetsPublicPath: '/',
proxyTable: {},
// Various Dev Server settings
host: 'localhost', // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST
port: 9528, // can be overwritten by process.env.PORT, if port is in use, a free one will be determined
autoOpenBrowser: true,
errorOverlay: true,
notifyOnErrors: false,
poll: false, // https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserver-watchoptions-
// Use Eslint Loader?
// If true, your code will be linted during bundling and
// linting errors and warnings will be shown in the console.
useEslint: true,
// If true, eslint errors and warnings will also be shown in the error overlay
// in the browser.
showEslintErrorsInOverlay: false,
* Source Maps
// https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/#development
devtool: 'cheap-source-map',
// CSS Sourcemaps off by default because relative paths are "buggy"
// with this option, according to the CSS-Loader README
// (https://github.com/webpack/css-loader#sourcemaps)
// In our experience, they generally work as expected,
// just be aware of this issue when enabling this option.
cssSourceMap: false
build: {
// Template for index.html
index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'),
// Paths
assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
* You can set by youself according to actual condition
* You will need to set this if you plan to deploy your site under a sub path,
* for example GitHub pages. If you plan to deploy your site to https://foo.github.io/bar/,
* then assetsPublicPath should be set to "/bar/".
* In most cases please use '/' !!!
assetsPublicPath: '/report/',
* Source Maps
productionSourceMap: false,
// https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/#production
devtool: 'source-map',
// Gzip off by default as many popular static hosts such as
// Surge or Netlify already gzip all static assets for you.
// Before setting to `true`, make sure to:
// npm install --save-dev compression-webpack-plugin
productionGzip: false,
productionGzipExtensions: ['js', 'css'],
// Run the build command with an extra argument to
// View the bundle analyzer report after build finishes:
// `npm run build --report`
// Set to `true` or `false` to always turn it on or off
bundleAnalyzerReport: process.env.npm_config_report || false,
// `npm run build:prod --generate_report`
generateAnalyzerReport: process.env.npm_config_generate_report || false
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
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<!-- 上传到公司私服, mvn clean deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true -->
After Width: | Height: | Size: 67 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 72 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 39 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 309 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.enums;
* Created by raodeming on 2022/5/8.
public enum ReportTypeEnum {
report_screen("report_screen", "大屏报表"),
report_excel("report_excel", "excel报表"),
private String codeValue;
private String codeDesc;
ReportTypeEnum() {
private ReportTypeEnum(String codeValue, String codeDesc) {
this.codeValue = codeValue;
this.codeDesc = codeDesc;
public String getCodeValue() {
return this.codeValue;
public String getCodeDesc() {
return this.codeDesc;
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.modules.datasettransform.service;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import java.util.List;
* @author: Raod
* @since: 2022-02-23
public interface IGroovyHandler {
List<JSONObject> transform(List<JSONObject> data);
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.modules.datasettransform.service.impl;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.anji.plus.gaea.exception.BusinessExceptionBuilder;
import com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.code.ResponseCode;
import com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.modules.datasettransform.controller.dto.DataSetTransformDto;
import com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.modules.datasettransform.service.IGroovyHandler;
import com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.modules.datasettransform.service.TransformStrategy;
import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.script.Invocable;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import java.util.List;
* Created by raodeming on 2021/3/23.
public class GroovyTransformServiceImpl implements TransformStrategy {
private GroovyClassLoader groovyClassLoader = new GroovyClassLoader();
* 数据清洗转换 类型
* @return
public String type() {
return "javaBean";
* 清洗转换算法接口
* @param def
* @param data
* @return
public List<JSONObject> transform(DataSetTransformDto def, List<JSONObject> data) {
String transformScript = def.getTransformScript();
Class<?> clazz = groovyClassLoader.parseClass(transformScript);
if (clazz != null) {
try {
Object instance = clazz.newInstance();
if (instance!=null) {
if (instance instanceof IGroovyHandler) {
IGroovyHandler handler = (IGroovyHandler) instance;
return handler.transform(data);
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.info("执行javaBean异常", e);
throw BusinessExceptionBuilder.build(ResponseCode.EXECUTE_GROOVY_ERROR, e.getMessage());
return data;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
UPDATE `aj_report`.`gaea_dict_item` SET `dict_code` = 'TRANSFORM_TYPE', `item_name` = 'java脚本', `item_value` = 'javaBean', `item_extend` = NULL, `enabled` = 1, `locale` = 'zh', `remark` = NULL, `sort` = 2, `create_by` = 'admin', `create_time` = '2021-03-23 10:54:08', `update_by` = 'admin', `update_time` = '2021-03-23 10:54:08', `version` = 1 WHERE `id` = 151;
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-- 补充admin对于execl表格权限
INSERT INTO `aj_report`.`access_role_authority`(`role_code`,`target`,`action`) SELECT "root","excelManage","insert" FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `role_code`,`target`,`action` FROM `aj_report`.`access_role_authority` WHERE `role_code`="root" AND `target`="excelManage" AND `action`="insert");
INSERT INTO `aj_report`.`access_role_authority`(`role_code`,`target`,`action`) SELECT "root","excelManage","update" FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT `role_code`,`target`,`action` FROM `aj_report`.`access_role_authority` WHERE `role_code`="root" AND `target`="excelManage" AND `action`="update");
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-- 新增坐标轴字典
INSERT INTO `aj_report`.`gaea_dict`(`dict_name`, `dict_code`, `remark`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('XY坐标属性', 'COORD_PROPERTIES', 'XY坐标属性', 'admin', NOW(), 'admin', NOW(), 1);
INSERT INTO `aj_report`.`gaea_dict_item`(`dict_code`, `item_name`, `item_value`, `item_extend`, `enabled`, `locale`, `remark`, `sort`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('COORD_PROPERTIES', '数据', 'series', NULL, 1, 'zh', NULL, NULL, 'admin', NOW(), 'admin', NOW(), 1);
INSERT INTO `aj_report`.`gaea_dict_item`(`dict_code`, `item_name`, `item_value`, `item_extend`, `enabled`, `locale`, `remark`, `sort`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('COORD_PROPERTIES', 'X轴', 'xAxis', NULL, 1, 'zh', NULL, NULL, 'admin', NOW(), 'admin', NOW(), 1);
INSERT INTO `aj_report`.`gaea_dict_item`(`dict_code`, `item_name`, `item_value`, `item_extend`, `enabled`, `locale`, `remark`, `sort`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('COORD_PROPERTIES', 'Y轴', 'yAxis', NULL, 1, 'zh', NULL, NULL, 'admin', NOW(), 'admin', NOW(), 1);
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-- 角色权限调整
-- access_authority
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('access', 'authorityManage', '权限管理', 'detail', '权限明细', 101, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('access', 'roleManage', '角色管理', 'detail', '角色明细', 105, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2021-07-17 20:41:46', 2);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('access', 'userManage', '用户管理', 'detail', '用户明细', 110, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('report', 'datasourceManage', '数据源管理', 'detail', '数据源明细', 200, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('report', 'resultsetManage', '数据集管理', 'detail', '数据集明细', 204, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('report', 'reportManage', '报表管理', 'detail', '报表明细', 221, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('report', 'bigScreenManage', '大屏报表', 'detail', '大屏明细', 231, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('report', 'excelManage', '表格报表', 'detail', 'excel明细', 234, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('system', 'fileManage', '文件管理', 'detail', '文件明细', 300, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('system', 'dictManage', '数据字典', 'detail', '数据字典明细', 300, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('system', 'dictItemManage', '数据字典项', 'detail', '数据字典项明细', 300, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
REPLACE INTO `aj_report`.`access_authority`(`parent_target`, `target`, `target_name`, `action`, `action_name`, `sort`, `enable_flag`, `delete_flag`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `version`) VALUES ('report', 'bigScreenManage', '大屏报表', 'copy', '复制大屏', 236, 1, 0, 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 'admin', '2019-07-23 15:59:40', 1);
UPDATE `aj_report`.`access_authority` SET `parent_target` = 'report', `target` = 'bigScreenManage', `target_name` = '大屏报表', `action` = 'view', `action_name` = '查看大屏', `sort` = 232, `enable_flag` = 1, `delete_flag` = 0, `create_by` = 'admin', `create_time` = '2019-07-23 15:59:40', `update_by` = 'admin', `update_time` = '2019-07-23 15:59:40', `version` = 1 WHERE `parent_target` = 'report' AND `target` = 'bigScreenManage' AND `action` = 'view';
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package com;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.modules.datasettransform.service.IGroovyHandler;
import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader;
import java.util.List;
* @author: Raod
* @since: 2022-02-23
public class GroovyTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
// codeSource来自DemoGroovyHandler
String codeSource = "package com;\n" +
"\n" +
"import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;\n" +
"import com.anjiplus.template.gaea.business.modules.datasettransform.service.IGroovyHandler;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"/**\n" +
" * @author: Raod\n" +
" * @since: 2022-02-23\n" +
" */\n" +
"public class DemoGroovyHandler implements IGroovyHandler {\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public List<JSONObject> transform(List<JSONObject> data) {\n" +
" List<JSONObject> result = new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();\n" +
" jsonObject.put(\"test\", \"demo\");\n" +
" result.add(jsonObject);\n" +
" return result;\n" +
" }\n" +
GroovyClassLoader groovyClassLoader = new GroovyClassLoader();
Class<?> clazz = groovyClassLoader.parseClass(codeSource);
if (clazz != null) {
Object instance = clazz.newInstance();
if (instance!=null) {
if (instance instanceof IGroovyHandler) {
IGroovyHandler handler = (IGroovyHandler) instance;
List<JSONObject> transform = handler.transform(null);
} else {
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 31 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 13 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 163 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
* @Descripttion: 热力图
* @version:
* @Author: whw
* @Date: 2021-11-3
* @LastEditors: whw
* @LastEditTime: 2021-11-3
export const widgetHeatmap = {
code: 'widget-heatmap',
type: 'chart',
label: '热力图',
icon: 'iconrelitu',
options: {
// 配置
setup: [
type: 'el-input-text',
label: '图层名称',
name: 'layerName',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '热力图',
type: 'vue-color',
label: '背景颜色',
name: 'background',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
name: '标题设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '标题',
name: 'isNoTitle',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true
type: 'el-input-text',
label: '标题',
name: 'titleText',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'textColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff'
type: 'el-select',
label: '字体粗细',
name: 'textFontWeight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'normal', name: '正常'},
{code: 'bold', name: '粗体'},
{code: 'bolder', name: '特粗体'},
{code: 'lighter', name: '细体'}
value: 'normal'
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体大小',
name: 'textFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 16
type: 'el-select',
label: '字体位置',
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placeholder: '',
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{code: 'center', name: '居中'},
{code: 'left', name: '左对齐'},
{code: 'right', name: '右对齐'},
value: 'center'
type: 'el-input-text',
label: '副标题',
name: 'subText',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'subTextColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'el-select',
label: '字体粗细',
name: 'subTextFontWeight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'normal', name: '正常'},
{code: 'bold', name: '粗体'},
{code: 'bolder', name: '特粗体'},
{code: 'lighter', name: '细体'}
value: 'normal'
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体大小',
name: 'subTextFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 16
name: 'X轴设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '显示',
name: 'hideX',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true,
type: 'el-input-text',
label: 'X轴别名',
name: 'xName',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '别名颜色',
name: 'xNameColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff'
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '别名字号',
name: 'xNameFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14
type: 'el-switch',
label: '轴反转',
name: 'reversalX',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false
type: 'el-slider',
label: '文字角度',
name: 'textAngleX',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 0
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '文字间隔',
name: 'textInterval',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '文字颜色',
name: 'Xcolor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '文字字号',
name: 'fontSizeX',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '轴颜色',
name: 'lineColorX',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
name: 'Y轴设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '显示',
name: 'isShowY',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true,
type: 'el-input-text',
label: 'Y轴别名',
name: 'textNameY',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '别名颜色',
name: 'NameColorY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '别名字号',
name: 'NameFontSizeY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14,
type: 'el-switch',
label: '轴反转',
name: 'reversalY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false
type: 'el-slider',
label: '文字角度',
name: 'textAngleY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 0
type: 'vue-color',
label: '文字颜色',
name: 'colorY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '文字字号',
name: 'fontSizeY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '轴颜色',
name: 'lineColorY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
name: '数值设定',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '显示',
name: 'isShow',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体字号',
name: 'fontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'subTextColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff'
type: 'el-select',
label: '字体粗细',
name: 'fontWeight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'normal', name: '正常'},
{code: 'bold', name: '粗体'},
{code: 'bolder', name: '特粗体'},
{code: 'lighter', name: '细体'}
value: 'normal'
name: '提示语设置',
list: [
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体字号',
name: 'tipsFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 16
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'tipsLineColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
name: '坐标轴边距设置',
list: [
type: 'el-slider',
label: '左边距(像素)',
name: 'marginLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 10,
}, {
type: 'el-slider',
label: '顶边距(像素)',
name: 'marginTop',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 50,
}, {
type: 'el-slider',
label: '右边距(像素)',
name: 'marginRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 40,
}, {
type: 'el-slider',
label: '底边距(像素)',
name: 'marginBottom',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 10,
name: '图设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '图例',
name: 'isShowLegend',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '最小值',
name: 'dataMin',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 0,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '最大值',
name: 'dataMax',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 5000,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '数值颜色',
name: 'lengedColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '图例大小',
name: 'lengedFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 12,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '图例宽度',
name: 'lengedWidth',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 12,
type: 'el-select',
label: '横向位置',
name: 'lateralPosition',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'center', name: '居中'},
{code: 'left', name: '左对齐'},
{code: 'right', name: '右对齐'},
value: 'center'
type: 'el-select',
label: '纵向位置',
name: 'longitudinalPosition',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'top', name: '顶部'},
{code: 'bottom', name: '底部'},
value: 'top'
type: 'el-select',
label: '布局前置',
name: 'layoutFront',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'vertical', name: '竖排'},
{code: 'horizontal', name: '横排'},
value: 'horizontal'
name: '自定义配色',
list: [
type: 'customColor',
label: '',
name: 'lengedColorList',
required: false,
value: [{color: '#abd9e9'}, {color: '#74add1'}, {color: '#4575b4'}, {color: '#313695'}],
// 数据
data: [
type: 'el-radio-group',
label: '数据类型',
name: 'dataType',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
selectValue: true,
selectOptions: [
code: 'staticData',
name: '静态数据',
code: 'dynamicData',
name: '动态数据',
value: 'staticData',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '刷新时间(毫秒)',
name: 'refreshTime',
relactiveDom: 'dataType',
relactiveDomValue: 'dynamicData',
value: 5000
type: 'el-button',
label: '静态数据',
name: 'staticData',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
relactiveDom: 'dataType',
relactiveDomValue: 'staticData',
value: [
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "0", "num": 3320},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "1", "num": 1561},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "2", "num": 3194},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "3", "num": 2899},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "4", "num": 2363},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "5", "num": 3945},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "6", "num": 2051},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "7", "num": 3657},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "8", "num": 3304},
{"axis": "0", "yaxis": "9", "num": 2990},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "9", "num": 2663},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "0", "num": 378},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "1", "num": 4076},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "2", "num": 3178},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "3", "num": 1501},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "4", "num": 1660},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "5", "num": 726},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "6", "num": 4148},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "7", "num": 720},
{"axis": "1", "yaxis": "8", "num": 430},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "9", "num": 2983},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "0", "num": 1917},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "1", "num": 1188},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "2", "num": 3581},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "3", "num": 1781},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "4", "num": 4725},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "5", "num": 4077},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "6", "num": 299},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "7", "num": 4828},
{"axis": "2", "yaxis": "8", "num": 1778},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "9", "num": 3171},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "0", "num": 2944},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "1", "num": 763},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "2", "num": 1678},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "3", "num": 1765},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "4", "num": 2949},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "5", "num": 966},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "6", "num": 4622},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "7", "num": 2818},
{"axis": "3", "yaxis": "8", "num": 3913},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "9", "num": 4382},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "0", "num": 1670},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "1", "num": 4532},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "2", "num": 2116},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "3", "num": 2383},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "4", "num": 510},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "5", "num": 33},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "6", "num": 4974},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "7", "num": 3627},
{"axis": "4", "yaxis": "8", "num": 2737},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "9", "num": 656},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "0", "num": 3689},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "1", "num": 713},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "2", "num": 3551},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "3", "num": 3159},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "4", "num": 4150},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "5", "num": 1416},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "6", "num": 3021},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "7", "num": 1778},
{"axis": "5", "yaxis": "8", "num": 863},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "9", "num": 772},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "0", "num": 1675},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "1", "num": 1323},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "2", "num": 2023},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "3", "num": 43},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "4", "num": 4964},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "5", "num": 4781},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "6", "num": 2608},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "7", "num": 2278},
{"axis": "6", "yaxis": "8", "num": 3285},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "9", "num": 1977},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "0", "num": 882},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "1", "num": 2434},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "2", "num": 4694},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "3", "num": 3022},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "4", "num": 1798},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "5", "num": 2503},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "6", "num": 693},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "7", "num": 275},
{"axis": "7", "yaxis": "8", "num": 3774},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "9", "num": 1386},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "0", "num": 1212},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "1", "num": 1982},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "2", "num": 1509},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "3", "num": 94},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "4", "num": 2082},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "5", "num": 3930},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "6", "num": 4528},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "7", "num": 1861},
{"axis": "8", "yaxis": "8", "num": 4582},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "9", "num": 3038},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "0", "num": 4038},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "1", "num": 357},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "2", "num": 306},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "3", "num": 479},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "4", "num": 823},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "5", "num": 3442},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "6", "num": 904},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "7", "num": 399},
{"axis": "9", "yaxis": "8", "num": 4869},
type: 'dycustComponents',
label: '',
name: 'dynamicData',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
relactiveDom: 'dataType',
chartType: 'widget-coord',
relactiveDomValue: 'dynamicData',
value: '',
// 坐标
position: [
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '左边距',
name: 'left',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 0,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '上边距',
name: 'top',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 0,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '宽度',
name: 'width',
required: false,
placeholder: '该容器在1920px大屏中的宽度',
value: 700,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '高度',
name: 'height',
required: false,
placeholder: '该容器在1080px大屏中的高度',
value: 300,
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
<div :style="styleObj">
<v-chart :options="options" autoresize/>
export default {
name: "widgetHeatmap",
components: {},
props: {
value: Object,
ispreview: Boolean,
data() {
return {
options: {
title: {
text: "",
left: "center",
textStyle: {
color: "#fff",
tooltip: {
position: "top",
show: true,
textStyle: {},
grid: {
height: "90%",
width: "90%",
top: 10,
left: 20,
xAxis: {
name: "",
type: "category",
axisLabel: {
show: true,
color: "#0f0",
data: [],
splitArea: {
show: false,
nameTextStyle: {
color: "",
fontSize: 14,
yAxis: {
name: "",
type: "category",
axisLabel: {
show: true,
color: "#0f0",
data: [],
splitArea: {
show: false,
nameTextStyle: {
color: "",
fontSize: 14,
visualMap: {
show: true,
min: 0,
max: 5000,
calculable: true,
orient: "horizontal",
left: "center",
bottom: 0,
inRange: {
color: [],
textStyle: {
fontSize: 14,
color: "#fff",
series: [
name: "",
type: "heatmap",
data: [],
label: {
show: false,
fontSize: 16,
emphasis: {
itemStyle: {
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
optionsStyle: {}, // 样式
optionsData: {}, // 数据
optionsCollapse: {}, // 图标属性
optionsSetup: {},
computed: {
styleObj() {
return {
position: this.ispreview ? "absolute" : "static",
width: this.optionsStyle.width + "px",
height: this.optionsStyle.height + "px",
left: this.optionsStyle.left + "px",
top: this.optionsStyle.top + "px",
background: this.optionsSetup.background,
watch: {
value: {
handler(val) {
this.optionsStyle = val.position;
this.optionsData = val.data;
this.optionsCollapse = val.collapse;
this.optionsSetup = val.setup;
deep: true,
created() {
this.optionsStyle = this.value.position;
this.optionsData = this.value.data;
this.optionsCollapse = this.value.collapse;
this.optionsSetup = this.value.setup;
methods: {
// 修改图标options属性
editorOptions() {
// 标题修改
setOptionsTitle() {
const optionsSetup = this.optionsSetup;
const title = {
text: optionsSetup.titleText,
show: optionsSetup.isNoTitle,
left: optionsSetup.textAlign,
textStyle: {
color: optionsSetup.textColor,
fontSize: optionsSetup.textFontSize,
fontWeight: optionsSetup.textFontWeight
subtext: optionsSetup.subText,
subtextStyle: {
color: optionsSetup.subTextColor,
fontWeight: optionsSetup.subTextFontWeight,
fontSize: optionsSetup.subTextFontSize
this.options.title = title;
// X轴设置
setOptionsX() {
const optionsSetup = this.optionsSetup;
const xAxis = {
type: "category",
// 坐标轴是否显示
show: optionsSetup.hideX,
// 坐标轴名称
name: optionsSetup.xName,
nameTextStyle: {
color: optionsSetup.xNameColor,
fontSize: optionsSetup.xNameFontSize
// 轴反转
inverse: optionsSetup.reversalX,
axisLabel: {
show: true,
// 文字间隔
interval: optionsSetup.textInterval,
// 文字角度
rotate: optionsSetup.textAngleX,
textStyle: {
// 坐标文字颜色
color: optionsSetup.Xcolor,
fontSize: optionsSetup.fontSizeX
axisLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: optionsSetup.lineColorX
splitArea: {
show: false,
this.options.xAxis = xAxis;
// Y轴设置
setOptionsY() {
const optionsSetup = this.optionsSetup;
const yAxis = {
type: "category",
// 坐标轴是否显示
show: optionsSetup.isShowY,
// 坐标轴名称
name: optionsSetup.textNameY,
nameTextStyle: {
color: optionsSetup.NameColorY,
fontSize: optionsSetup.NameFontSizeY
// y轴反转
inverse: optionsSetup.reversalY,
axisLabel: {
show: true,
// 文字角度
rotate: optionsSetup.textAngleY,
textStyle: {
// 坐标文字颜色
color: optionsSetup.colorY,
fontSize: optionsSetup.fontSizeY
axisLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: optionsSetup.lineColorY
splitArea: {
show: false,
this.options.yAxis = yAxis;
// 数值设定
setOptionsSeries() {
const optionsSetup = this.optionsSetup;
const lable = {
show: optionsSetup.isShow,
textStyle: {
fontSize: optionsSetup.fontSize,
color: optionsSetup.subTextColor,
fontWeight: optionsSetup.fontWeight
this.options.series[0].label = lable;
// 边距设置
setOptionsMargin() {
const optionsSetup = this.optionsSetup;
const grid = {
left: optionsSetup.marginLeft,
right: optionsSetup.marginRight,
bottom: optionsSetup.marginBottom,
top: optionsSetup.marginTop,
containLabel: true
this.options.grid = grid;
// tooltip 设置
setOptionsTooltip() {
const optionsSetup = this.optionsSetup;
const tooltip = {
trigger: "item",
position: "top",
show: true,
textStyle: {
color: optionsSetup.lineColor,
fontSize: optionsSetup.tipsLineColor
this.options.tooltip = tooltip;
// 图设置
setOptionsVisualMap() {
const optionsSetup = this.optionsSetup;
const visualMap = this.options.visualMap;
visualMap.show = optionsSetup.isShowLegend;
visualMap.min = optionsSetup.dataMin;
visualMap.max = optionsSetup.dataMax;
visualMap.textStyle = {
fontSize : optionsSetup.lengedFontSize,
color : optionsSetup.lengedColor
visualMap.inRange.color = optionsSetup.lengedColorList.map((x) => {
return x.color;
visualMap.left = optionsSetup.lateralPosition;
visualMap.top = optionsSetup.longitudinalPosition;
visualMap.bottom = optionsSetup.longitudinalPosition;
visualMap.orient = optionsSetup.layoutFront;
visualMap.itemWidth = optionsSetup.lengedWidth;
setOptionsData() {
const optionsData = this.optionsData; // 数据类型 静态 or 动态
optionsData.dataType == "staticData"
? this.staticDataFn(optionsData.staticData)
: this.dynamicDataFn(optionsData.dynamicData, optionsData.refreshTime);
setUnique(arr) {
let newArr = [];
arr.forEach(item => {
return newArr.includes(item) ? '' : newArr.push(item);
return newArr;
staticDataFn(val) {
const data = [];
let xAxisList = [];
let yAxisList = [];
for (const i in val) {
xAxisList[i] = val[i].axis;
yAxisList[i] = val[i].yaxis;
data[i] = [val[i].axis,val[i].yaxis,val[i].num]
xAxisList = this.setUnique(xAxisList);
yAxisList = this.setUnique(yAxisList);
this.options.xAxis.data = xAxisList;
this.options.yAxis.data = yAxisList;
this.options.series[0].data = data;
dynamicDataFn(val, refreshTime) {
if (!val) return;
if (this.ispreview) {
this.flagInter = setInterval(() => {
}, refreshTime);
} else {
getEchartData(val) {
const data = this.queryEchartsData(val);
data.then((res) => {
renderingFn(val) {
this.options.xAxis.data = val.xAxis;
this.options.yAxis.data = val.yAxis;
this.options.series[0].data = val.series;
<style scoped lang="scss">
.echarts {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
<template slot="append">
export default {
name: "ColorPicker",
model: {
prop: "value",
event: "input"
props: {
value: {
type: [String],
default: ""
data() {
return {
predefineColors: [
colorValue: ""
watch: {
value(val) {
this.colorValue = val || "";
mounted() {
this.colorValue = this.value;
methods: {
changeColor(val) {
this.colorValue = val || "";
this.$emit("input", this.colorValue);
this.$emit("change", this.colorValue);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
/deep/.el-color-picker--mini .el-color-picker__trigger {
width: 23px;
height: 23px;
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
<div v-show="visible" class="contentmenu" :style="styleObj">
<div class="contentmenu__item" @click="deleteLayer">
<i class="iconfont iconguanbi"></i> 删除图层
<div class="contentmenu__item" @click="copyLayer">
<i class="iconfont iconfuzhi1"></i> 复制图层
<div class="contentmenu__item" @click="istopLayer">
<i class="iconfont iconjinlingyingcaiwangtubiao01"></i> 置顶图层
<div class="contentmenu__item" @click="setlowLayer">
<i class="iconfont iconleft-copy"></i> 置底图层
<div class="contentmenu__item" @click="moveupLayer">
<i class="iconfont iconjinlingyingcaiwangtubiao01"></i> 上移一层
<div class="contentmenu__item" @click="movedownLayer">
<i class="iconfont iconleft-copy"></i> 下移一层
export default {
props: {
styleObj: Object,
visible: Boolean
data() {
return {};
watch: {
visible(value) {
if (value) {
document.body.addEventListener("click", this.closeMenu);
} else {
document.body.removeEventListener("click", this.closeMenu);
methods: {
closeMenu() {
this.$emit("update:visible", false);
deleteLayer() {
this.$confirm("是否删除所选图层?", "提示", {
confirmButtonText: "确定",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
type: "warning"
.then(() => {
type: "success",
message: "删除成功!"
.catch(() => {
type: "info",
message: "已取消删除"
copyLayer() {
istopLayer() {
setlowLayer() {
moveupLayer() {
movedownLayer() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.contentmenu {
width: 160px;
position: fixed;
z-index: 99999;
list-style: none;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
padding: 0;
background: #27343e;
color: #bcc9d4;
.contentmenu__item {
z-index: 10000;
list-style: none;
padding: 8px 12px;
cursor: pointer;
position: relative;
font-size: 12px;
.iconfont {
font-size: 12px;
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
<template slot="append">
<i class="iconfont iconfolder-o"></i>
<input type="file" class="file" ref="files" @change="getImages" />
import axios from "axios";
import { getToken } from "@/utils/auth";
export default {
model: {
prop: "value",
event: "input"
props: {
value: {
type: "",
default: ""
data() {
return {
requestUrl: process.env.BASE_API + "/file/upload",
headers: {
Authorization: getToken()
fileList: [],
uploadImgUrl: ""
created() {
this.uploadImgUrl = this.value;
methods: {
getImages(el) {
let file = el.target.files[0];
let type = file.type.split("/")[0];
if (type === "image") {
} else {
upload(imgUrl) {
let that = this;
let formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("file", imgUrl);
.post(this.requestUrl, formdata, {
headers: that.headers
.then(response => {
let res = response.data;
if (res.code == "200") {
that.uploadImgUrl = res.data.urlPath;
that.$emit("input", that.uploadImgUrl);
that.$emit("change", that.uploadImgUrl);
changeInput(e) {
if (e) {
this.uploadImgUrl = e;
} else {
this.$refs.files.value = "";
this.uploadImgUrl = "";
this.$emit("input", this.uploadImgUrl);
this.$emit("change", this.uploadImgUrl);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.file {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
padding: 100%;
right: 0;
top: 0;
opacity: 0;
/deep/.el-input-group__prepend {
padding: 0 10px !important;
overflow: hidden;
.iconfont {
font-size: 12px;
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
<el-form label-width="100px" label-position="left">
<el-form-item label="数据集">
v-for="item in dataSet"
v-for="(item, index) in userNameList"
<el-input v-model.trim="item.sampleItem" size="mini" />
<el-form-item v-for="item in setParamList" :key="item" :label="item">
@input="selectParams($event, item)"
style="width: 100%"
import { queryAllDataSet, detailBysetId } from "@/api/bigscreen";
import Dictionary from "@/components/Dictionary/index";
export default {
name: "DynamicComponents",
components: {
model: {
prop: "formData",
event: "input"
props: {
chartType: String,
dictKey: String,
formData: Object
data() {
return {
dataSetValue: "",
dataSet: [], // 数据集
userNameList: [], // 用户
setParamList: [], // 对应的不同的图形数据参数
params: {},
chartProperties: {}
watch: {
formData: {
handler(val) {
deep: true
computed: {
setCode() {
let code = "";
this.dataSet.forEach(el => {
if (el.id == this.dataSetValue) {
code = el.setCode;
return code;
mounted() {
methods: {
async loadDataSet() {
const { code, data } = await queryAllDataSet();
this.dataSet = data;
if (code != "200") return;
async selectDataSet() {
const { code, data } = await detailBysetId(this.dataSetValue);
this.userNameList = data.dataSetParamDtoList;
this.setParamList = data.setParamList;
if (code != "200") return;
async saveDataBtn() {
const contextData = {};
for (let i = 0; i < this.userNameList.length; i++) {
contextData[this.userNameList[i].paramName] = this.userNameList[
const params = {
chartType: this.chartType,
setCode: this.setCode,
chartProperties: this.chartProperties,
this.$emit("input", params);
this.$emit("change", params);
selectParams(val, key) {
this.chartProperties[key] = val;
getDictKey() {
return this.dictKey == null ? "CHART_PROPERTIES" : this.dictKey;
// 数据集回显
async echoDataSet(val) {
if (!val) return;
const setCode = val.setCode;
await this.loadDataSet();
this.dataSetValue = this.dataSet.filter(
el => setCode == el.setCode
await this.selectDataSet();
echoDynamicData(val) {
const chartProperties = this.deepClone(val.chartProperties);
this.chartProperties = chartProperties;
if (this.userNameList.length > 0) {
if (this.setParamList.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.setParamList.length; i++) {
const item = this.setParamList[i];
if (chartProperties.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
this.params[item] = chartProperties[item];
<style lang="sass" scoped></style>
@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
<div class="collapse-input-style">
<el-form label-width="100px" label-position="left">
<template v-for="(item, index) in options">
<div v-if="isShowForm(item, '[object Object]')" :key="index">
inputShow[item.name] &&
item.type != 'dycustComponents' &&
item.type != 'dynamic-add-table'
v-if="item.type == 'el-input-number'"
@change="changed($event, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'el-input-text'"
@change="changed($event, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'el-input-textarea'"
@change="changed($event, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'el-switch'"
@change="changed($event, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'vue-color'"
@change="val => changed(val, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'custom-upload'"
@change="changed($event, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'el-radio-group'"
@change="val => changed(val, item.name)"
v-for="itemChild in item.selectOptions"
>{{ itemChild.name }}</el-radio
v-if="item.type == 'el-select'"
@change="val => changed(val, item.name)"
v-for="itemChild in item.selectOptions"
v-if="item.type == 'el-slider'"
@change="val => changed(val, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'el-button'"
<!-- 弹窗 -->
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="dialogVisibleStaticData = false"
>取 消</el-button
<el-button type="primary" @click="saveData">确 定</el-button>
v-if="item.type == 'dycustComponents' && inputShow[item.name]"
@change="changed($event, item.name)"
v-if="item.type == 'dynamic-add-table' && inputShow[item.name]"
@change="changed($event, item.name)"
<div v-else-if="isShowForm(item, '[object Array]')" :key="'a-' + index">
<el-collapse accordion>
v-for="(itemChild, indexChild) in item"
<template v-for="(itemChildList, idx) in itemChild.list">
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-input-number'"
@change="changed($event, itemChildList.name)"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-input-text'"
@change="changed($event, itemChildList.name)"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-input-textarea'"
@change="changed($event, itemChildList.name)"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-switch'"
@change="changed($event, itemChildList.name)"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'vue-color'"
@change="val => changed(val, itemChildList.name)"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-upload-picture'"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-radio-group'"
@change="val => changed(val, itemChildList.name)"
v-for="it in itemChildList.selectOptions"
>{{ it.name }}</el-radio
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-select'"
@change="val => changed(val, itemChildList.name)"
v-for="it in itemChildList.selectOptions"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'el-slider'"
@change="val => changed(val, itemChildList.name)"
v-if="itemChildList.type == 'customColor'"
:key="'b-' + idx"
@change="changed($event, itemChildList.name)"
import ColorPicker from "./colorPicker.vue";
import vueJsonEditor from "vue-json-editor";
import "codemirror/lib/codemirror.css"; // 核心样式
import "codemirror/theme/cobalt.css"; // 引入主题后还需要在 options 中指定主题才会生效
// language
import "codemirror/mode/vue/vue.js";
import "codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js";
import "codemirror/mode/sql/sql.js";
import "codemirror/mode/shell/shell.js";
import dynamicComponents from "./dynamicComponents.vue";
import customColorComponents from "./customColorComponents";
import dynamicAddTable from "./dynamicAddTable.vue";
import customUpload from "./customUpload.vue";
export default {
name: "DynamicForm",
components: {
model: {
prop: "value",
event: "input"
props: {
options: Array,
value: {
type: [Object],
default: () => {}
data() {
return {
formData: {},
inputShow: {}, // 控制表单是否显示
dialogVisibleStaticData: false,
validationRules: "",
optionsJavascript: {
mode: "text/javascript",
tabSize: 2, // 缩进格式
lineNumbers: true, // 显示行号
line: true,
styleActiveLine: true, // 高亮选中行
hintOptions: {
completeSingle: true // 当匹配只有一项的时候是否自动补全
watch: {
value(newValue, oldValue) {
this.formData = newValue || {};
options(val) {
created() {
mounted() {},
methods: {
onJsonChange(val) {
onJsonSave(val) {
// 无论哪个输入框改变 都需要触发事件 将值回传
changed(val, key) {
if (val.extend) {
this.$set(this.formData, key, val.value);
} else {
this.$set(this.formData, key, val);
this.$emit("onChanged", this.formData);
// key为当前用户操作的表单组件
for (let i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++) {
let item = this.options[i];
if (item.relactiveDom == key) {
this.inputShow[item.name] = val == item.relactiveDomValue;
this.inputShow = Object.assign({}, this.inputShow);
saveData() {
this.$emit("onChanged", this.formData);
this.dialogVisibleStaticData = false;
// 静态数据
addStaticData() {
this.dialogVisibleStaticData = true;
handleClose() {
this.dialogVisibleStaticData = false;
// 组件属性 数据是否展示动态还是静态数据
isShowData() {
let currentData = {};
const data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++) {
// 添加默认的inputShow值
this.inputShow[this.options[i].name] = true;
if (this.options[i].selectValue) {
currentData = this.options[i];
} else {
data.forEach(el => {
if (el.relactiveDomValue != currentData.value) {
this.inputShow[el.name] = false;
// 组件拖入时 赋值
setDefaultValue() {
if (this.options && this.options.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.options.length; i++) {
const obj = this.options[i];
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == "[object Object]") {
this.formData[this.options[i].name] = this.deepClone(
} else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == "[object Array]") {
for (let j = 0; j < obj.length; j++) {
const list = obj[j].list;
list.forEach(el => {
this.formData[el.name] = el.value;
this.formData = Object.assign({}, this.formData);
// 是否显示 那种格式
isShowForm(val, type) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) == type;
<style scoped lang="scss">
/deep/ .el-form-item {
margin-bottom: 5px;
/deep/ .el-form-item__label {
font-size: 12px;
color: #fff;
.code-mirror {
width: 100%;
height: 100% !important;
.el-collapse {
border-top: none;
border-bottom: none;
/deep/.el-collapse-item__header {
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
background: transparent;
color: #bcc9d4;
font-weight: 300;
font-size: 12px;
border-color: #282e3a;
/deep/.el-collapse-item__wrap {
background: transparent;
border: none;
/deep/.el-collapse-item__content {
padding-bottom: 0;
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* @Descripttion:
* @version:
* @Author: qianlishi
* @Date: 2022-04-28 12:20:28
* @LastEditors: qianlishi
* @LastEditTime: 2022-04-28 12:31:14
<component :is="type" :value="value" :ispreview="true"/>
import widgetHref from "../widget/texts/widgetHref.vue";
import WidgetIframe from "../widget/texts/widgetIframe.vue";
import widgetImage from "../widget/texts/widgetImage.vue";
import WidgetMarquee from "../widget/texts/widgetMarquee.vue";
import widgetSlider from "../widget/texts/widgetSlider.vue";
import widgetTable from "../widget/texts/widgetTable.vue";
import widgetText from "../widget/texts/widgetText.vue";
import widgetTime from "../widget/texts/widgetTime.vue";
import widgetVideo from "../widget/texts/widgetVideo.vue";
import widgetBarchart from "../widget/barCharts/widgetBarchart.vue";
import widgetGradientColorBarchart from "../widget/barCharts/widgetGradientColorBarchart.vue";
import widgetLinechart from "../widget/lineCharts/widgetLinechart.vue";
import widgetBarlinechart from "../widget/barlineCharts/widgetBarlinechart";
import WidgetPiechart from "../widget/pieCharts/widgetPiechart.vue";
import WidgetFunnel from "../widget/funnelCharts/widgetFunnel.vue";
import WidgetGauge from "../widget/percentCharts/widgetGauge.vue";
import WidgetPieNightingaleRoseArea from "../widget/pieCharts/widgetPieNightingaleRose";
import widgetMap from "../widget/mapCharts/widgetMap.vue";
import widgetPiePercentageChart from "../widget/percentCharts/widgetPiePercentageChart";
import widgetAirBubbleMap from "../widget/mapCharts/widgetAirBubbleMap";
import widgetBarStackChart from "../widget/barCharts/widgetBarStackChart";
import widgetLineStackChart from "../widget/lineCharts/widgetLineStackChart";
import widgetBarCompareChart from "../widget/barCharts/widgetBarCompareChart";
import widgetLineCompareChart from "../widget/lineCharts/widgetLineCompareChart";
import widgetDecoratePieChart from "../widget/decorateCharts/widgetDecoratePieChart";
import widgetMoreBarLineChart from "../widget/barlineCharts/widgetMoreBarLineChart";
import widgetWordCloud from "../widget/wordcloudCharts/widgetWordCloud";
import widgetHeatmap from "../widget/heatmap/widgetHeatmap";
export default {
name: "WidgetTemp",
components: {
model: {
prop: "value",
event: "input"
props: {
type: String,
value: {
type: [Object],
default: () => {
@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
* @Descripttion: 柱状对比图 json
* @version:
* @Author: qianlishi
* @Date: 2021-08-29 07:39:35
* @LastEditors: qianlishi
* @LastEditTime: 2021-09-28 14:09:58
export const widgetBarCompare = {
code: 'widgetBarCompareChart',
type: 'barChart',
tabName: '柱状图',
label: '柱状对比图',
icon: 'iconduibitupu',
options: {
// 配置
setup: [
type: 'el-input-text',
label: '图层名称',
name: 'layerName',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '柱状对比图',
type: 'vue-color',
label: '背景颜色',
name: 'background',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
name: '柱体设置',
list: [
type: 'el-slider',
label: '最大宽度',
name: 'maxWidth',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 15,
type: 'el-slider',
label: '圆角',
name: 'radius',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 5,
name: '标题设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '标题',
name: 'isNoTitle',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true,
type: 'el-input-text',
label: '标题',
name: 'titleText',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '',
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'textColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#FFD700'
type: 'el-select',
label: '字体粗细',
name: 'textFontWeight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'normal', name: '正常'},
{code: 'bold', name: '粗体'},
{code: 'bolder', name: '特粗体'},
{code: 'lighter', name: '细体'}
value: 'normal'
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体大小',
name: 'textFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 20
type: 'el-select',
label: '字体位置',
name: 'textAlign',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'center', name: '居中'},
{code: 'left', name: '左对齐'},
{code: 'right', name: '右对齐'},
value: 'center'
name: '图例操作',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '图例显示',
name: 'isShowLegend',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true,
type: 'el-input-text',
label: '图例名称',
name: 'legendName',
required: false,
placeholder: '多值以' | '隔开',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'lengedColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体字号',
name: 'lengedFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 12,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '图例宽度',
name: 'lengedWidth',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 12,
type: 'el-select',
label: '横向位置',
name: 'lateralPosition',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'center', name: '居中'},
{code: 'left', name: '左对齐'},
{code: 'right', name: '右对齐'},
value: 'center'
type: 'el-select',
label: '纵向位置',
name: 'longitudinalPosition',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'top', name: '顶部'},
{code: 'bottom', name: '底部'},
value: 'top'
type: 'el-select',
label: '布局前置',
name: 'layoutFront',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'vertical', name: '竖排'},
{code: 'horizontal', name: '横排'},
value: 'horizontal'
name: '左X轴设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '显示',
name: 'hideXLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '数值间隔',
name: 'splitNumberLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '数值颜色',
name: 'XcolorLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '数值字号',
name: 'fontSizeXLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14,
type: 'el-switch',
label: '刻度线',
name: 'tickLineLeft',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'el-switch',
label: 'X轴线',
name: 'xLineLeft',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '轴颜色',
name: 'lineColorXLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-switch',
label: '竖分割线',
name: 'SplitLineLeft',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '分割线颜色',
name: 'SplitLineColorLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '分割线宽度',
name: 'SplitLinefontSizeLeft',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 1,
type: 'el-switch',
label: '边框线',
name: 'frameLineLeft',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
name: '右X轴设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '显示',
name: 'hideXRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '数值间隔',
name: 'splitNumberRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: ''
type: 'vue-color',
label: '数值颜色',
name: 'XcolorRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '数值字号',
name: 'fontSizeXRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14,
type: 'el-switch',
label: '刻度线',
name: 'tickLineRight',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'el-switch',
label: 'X轴线',
name: 'xLineRight',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '轴颜色',
name: 'lineColorXRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-switch',
label: '竖分割线',
name: 'SplitLineRight',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '分割线颜色',
name: 'SplitLineColorRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '分割线宽度',
name: 'SplitLinefontSizeRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 1,
type: 'el-switch',
label: '边框线',
name: 'frameLineRight',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
name: 'Y轴设置',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '显示',
name: 'hideY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '数值颜色',
name: 'colorY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '数值字号',
name: 'fontSizeY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14,
type: 'el-select',
label: '数值对齐',
name: 'textAlign',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'center', name: '居中'},
{code: 'left', name: '左对齐'},
{code: 'right', name: '右对齐'},
value: 'center'
type: 'el-switch',
label: '刻度线',
name: 'tickLineY',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'el-switch',
label: 'Y轴线',
name: 'lineY',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
value: false,
type: 'vue-color',
label: '轴颜色',
name: 'lineColorY',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff',
name: '数值设定',
list: [
type: 'el-switch',
label: '显示',
name: 'isShow',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: true
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体大小',
name: 'fontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 14
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'subTextColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: '#fff'
type: 'el-select',
label: '字体粗细',
name: 'fontWeight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
selectOptions: [
{code: 'normal', name: '正常'},
{code: 'bold', name: '粗体'},
{code: 'bolder', name: '特粗体'},
{code: 'lighter', name: '细体'}
value: 'normal'
name: '提示语设置',
list: [
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '字体大小',
name: 'tipsFontSize',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 16
type: 'vue-color',
label: '字体颜色',
name: 'lineColor',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
name: '坐标轴边距设置',
list: [
type: 'el-slider',
label: '左右边距(像素)',
name: 'marginLeftRight',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 10,
type: 'el-slider',
label: '顶边距(像素)',
name: 'marginTop',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 40,
type: 'el-slider',
label: '底边距(像素)',
name: 'marginBottom',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 10,
name: '自定义配色',
list: [
type: 'customColor',
label: '',
name: 'customColor',
required: false,
value: [{color: '#36c5e7'}, {color: '#e68b55'}],
// 数据
data: [
type: 'el-radio-group',
label: '数据类型',
name: 'dataType',
require: false,
placeholder: '',
selectValue: true,
selectOptions: [
code: 'staticData',
name: '静态数据',
code: 'dynamicData',
name: '动态数据',
value: 'staticData',
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '刷新时间(毫秒)',
name: 'refreshTime',
relactiveDom: 'dataType',
relactiveDomValue: 'dynamicData',
value: 5000
type: 'el-button',
label: '静态数据',
name: 'staticData',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
relactiveDom: 'dataType',
relactiveDomValue: 'staticData',
value: [
{"axis": "07-25", "name": "success", "data": "2"},
{"axis": "07-25", "name": "fail", "data": "10"},
{"axis": "07-26", "name": "success", "data": "5"},
{"axis": "07-26", "name": "fail", "data": "20"},
{"axis": "07-27", "name": "success", "data": "15"},
{"axis": "07-27", "name": "fail", "data": "30"},
{"axis": "07-28", "name": "success", "data": "10"},
{"axis": "07-28", "name": "fail", "data": "12"},
{"axis": "07-29", "name": "success", "data": "9"},
{"axis": "07-29", "name": "fail", "data": "16"},
type: 'dycustComponents',
label: '',
name: 'dynamicData',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
relactiveDom: 'dataType',
relactiveDomValue: 'dynamicData',
chartType: 'widget-stackchart',
value: '',
// 坐标
position: [
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '左边距',
name: 'left',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 0,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '上边距',
name: 'top',
required: false,
placeholder: '',
value: 0,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '宽度',
name: 'width',
required: false,
placeholder: '该容器在1920px大屏中的宽度',
value: 500,
type: 'el-input-number',
label: '高度',
name: 'height',
required: false,
placeholder: '该容器在1080px大屏中的高度',
value: 250,